Welcome to LanDen Labs Source Code, Tools, Developer Notes and Performance Metrics

Welcome to LanDen Labs
Source Code, Tools, Developer Notes and Performance Metrics

Dennis Lang       www.linkedin.com/pub/1/119/293

Cpu, Thread and Disk I/O Performance Articles

Android Apps, Developer notes, Memory leaks, Class diagrams

C++ and Java code parser generates dependence class diagrams, Text, HTML, VIZ

Java code parsed into HTML class diagrams

STL Performance and Comparison (Linux and Windows)

C#, C++ and Java Container Performance Reports

Thread optimized Ring Buffer and Queues, DDJ Jan 2009 by Herb Sutter (Linux and Windows)

Speed of C functions and operations (Linux and Windows)

Thread performance penalty accessing commond data (Linux and Windows)

Fastest locking strategies (Linux and Windows)

Fastest file I/O strategies (Linux and Windows)

Fastest Window file I/O attribute settings (Windows)

Fastest XML parsing (msxml3,msxml6,opensource and commerical) (Windows) (Windows)

Best Way to Convert Floating Point String to Double (Linux and Windows)

C# (Csharp):

v1.4 TidyCmd C# Tidy HTML 4.0, verify links, CSS style usage and more...

v1.6 UrlCleaner C# Url Shortcut Cleaner / Verification

v1.7 InlineHtmlImages C# Inline HTML Images (base64)

v2.5 VStudioCleaner C# Locate and remove files. Visual Studio garbage cleaner.

v1.2 LockDown C# Parental Control Limits Time on Computer

v1.5 ColorMatrix C# Demonstrate use of ColorMatrix

v1.4 FolderBar C# Decorative File Browser Bar

v1.7 XyDraw C# (X,Y) data segment graph/draw/plot program

v2.1 NetPeak C# Monitor and Graph network connections

v2.4 WebMetar C# Fetch and Decode Weather METAR reports

v2.2 Red C# Remove Empty Directories

v1.0 Spinbox C# How to spin a dialog during open or close

v1.8 XmlDiff C# Xml side-by-side viewer and comparison tool

v1.0 DeskMenu C# Desktop Shell Context to launch explorer

v6.4 Magnifile C# Display open file handles, disk allocation, monitor & more

v1.3 RegCompare C# Registry(.reg) Side-by-side viewer and comparison

v2.5 M3dViewer C# application to view 3d Xfile models

v1.3 PicViewer C# View several images

v1.0 AcuteAngleDraw C# Test Acute Angle Transformation.

v1.3 LLCount C# Count Lines of Code (partially implemented)

v1.4 AGifCreator C# Create Animate Gif from images

v1.1 ColorSelctor C# HSL/RGB color selector

Console Commands:

v1.1 LLWatch Watch program execution (similar to linux watch command)

v16.1 LLFile Colorized directory listing, File copy, compare (with directory wildcards like Unix)

v2.9 NTFSJournal NTFS journal search and listing using MFT (Master File Table)

v2.9 NTFSFastFind NTFS Fast File Find using MFT (Master File Table)

v1.1 LLProxy HTTP Proxy Service (w/ Tunnelling)

C++ (C plus plus):

v1.1 TimeMe a Windows utility which measures performance metrics of running target