XmlDiff v1.8 C# source code and executables: |
XmlDiff is a simple tool designed to view Xml files in a side-by-side viewer and can generate a difference report.
To use the program load two different xml files in the two side-by-side panels or load the same file in both panels.
Use arrow keys with control or alt to scroll panels together (see help for details).
Select a node in each panel and press Compare button to generate difference report.
The report appears in its own dialog which has built-in filter controls, modifiable color legend, printing and exporting.
- Side-by-side viewer (use arrow, control+arrow and alt+arrow to scroll both panels)
- Auto scroll by placing mouse cursor near top or bottom of tree viewer.
- Difference report can be exported as CSV or Xml
- Difference report can be printed (in color)
- Difference report includes detailed view boxes which colorize character differences in color.
- About dialog has some eye candy and spins dialog box
- Simple string matcher finds larges matching substrings and colorizes differences
- ColorToolTip is a replacement for standard tooltip. It uses RichText box and can present text with multiple colors and fonts.
- Node names (in tree viewer) include first available attribute (makes it handy to navigate Visual Studio Project files)
- Two tier ListView column sorting
- Colorized list view printing with multiple line subitem
- ListView exporting as CSV or Xml
- Dec, 2009 v1.6
- First version released
- April, 2010 v1.8
- Fix report dialog resize, compare text redraw and load auto-complete
- Xml tree viewer lifted from http://www.shrinkrays.net/
- Original listview printing provided by: Matteo D'Avena