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Dennis Lang
Version: 16.1s
Updated: Jan-2016



The llfile program started as a simple directory wildcard experiment. It has grown to slowly replace several of the DOS/Unix commands, such as:
Command Description
dir Directory listing
copy File copy
move File move
del File deleletion
find/where Find where files are
printf Format file and dates
exec Execute external command on files
compare Binary file compare
grep / replace Grep Find and Replace
testing Batch file to test most commands

Help banner from LLFile.exe (llfile -?):


All of the following features are provided by a single program llfile.exe. This program has several personalities or commands. There are two ways to select a command.

  1. Command switch -x[c|d|e|f|m|o|p|r|w]
    c = copy
    d = dir
    e = execute
    f = find
    g = grep
    m = move
    o = compare
    p = print
    r = del (remove)
    w = where

    llfile -xr *.foo ; remove files matching pattern *.foo
    llfile -xd *.foo ; list directory of files matching *.foo

  2. Copy or link the executable to command name. You can use Windows fsutil to setup a link. The provided helper batch file llcopy-install.bat shows how to setup all of the aliases via links.
    copy llfile.exe lldir.exe
    copy llfile.exe llcopy.exe
    copy llfile.exe llexec.exe
    copy llfile.exe lldel.exe
    fsutil hardlink create lldir.exe llfile.exe
    fsutil hardlink create llcopy.exe llfile.exe
    fsutil hardlink create llexec.exe llfile.exe
    fsutil hardlink create lldel.exe llfile.exe
    When you use the specialize executables, their name automatically sets the personality.
    lldir *.foo ; runs directory command
    lldel *.foo ; runs delete command
    The valid specialized executable names are listed below with each commands documentation. For example, lldir can also be ld or d.
The wildcard engine only support ? and *, but allows the wildcard characters to appear multiple times, in the both the filename and directories.

The program continues to be an experiment, so no guaranties on reliability and completeness. The copy and move commands are the hardest to use because of how their destination path is defined.

List Directory / lldir / ld / d

The lldir command is similar to the DOS dir and Unix ls command in that it list files and directories with a plethora of options. The main feature lldir adds is a more flexible pattern matcher. It is still limited to the basic '*' and '?' patterns but they can appear multiple times and in the directory path.

Help Banner:

 List Directory v14.0s

    [<directory|pattern> \ ]... <filePattern>

      * = zero or more characters
      ? = any character

      *                ; List all filse in current directory
      *.obj            ; List only files ending in .obj in current directory
    -R c:\tmp\*.obj    ; List all .obj files in and under c:\tmp directory
   c:\t*\src\*         ; List all files off directory starting with t
                       ;  and having subdirectory src

   -a                  ; Show attributes  (-aw  show as words, -as show security)
   -cw or -cr          ; Change permission to writeable or readonly
   -ct                 ; Change time (modify)
   -h or -H            ; Hide heading
   -l                  ; Long format  <attributes> <size> <modify time> <file name>
   -r or -R            ; Recurse directories
   -s                  ; Hide file size size
   -u                  ; Show disk usage summary (size, count), use instead of -r
   -U                  ; Show disk usage summary (size, count) by extension
   -UU or -UUU         ; Show disk usage by Name (-UU) or Directory (-UUU)
   -w                  ; Show in wide format
   -A=[nrhs]           ; Limit files by attribute (n=normal r=readonly, h=hidden, s=system)
   -D                  ; Show only directories
   -F                  ; Show only files
   -I                  ; Show fileId (use with -L)
   -L                  ; Show hard link count and any Alternate Data Streams
   -N or -n            ; Show just names, same as -h -s -tn -q
   -p                  ; Show full file path
   -P=<srcPathPat>     ; Optional regular expression pattern on source files full path
   -q                  ; Quiet, dont show stats, no color
   -1=<file>           ; Redirect output to file
   -Q=n                ; Quit after 'n' lines output
   -S[-][acmnenpst]    ; Sort on a=access,c=creation,m=modify time, e=ext, n=name, p=path, s=size or t=type. -=reverse
   -t[acm]             ; Show Time a=access, c=creation, m=modified, n=none
   -T[acm]<op><value>  ; Test Time a=access, c=creation, m=modified
                       ; op=(Greater|Less|Equal)  Value= now|+/-hours|yyyy:mm:dd:hh:mm:ss
                       ; Value time parts significant from right to left, so mm:ss or hh:mm:ss, etc
                       ;  Example   -TmcEnow    Show if modify or create time Equal to now
                       ;  Example   -TmG-4.5   Show if modify time Greater than 4.5 hours ago
                       ;  Example   -TaL04:00:00   Show if access time Less than 4am today
   -W[admr]            ; Watch directories for any change, options limit wach to
                       ;  a=Add, d=Delete, m=Modified, r=renamed, default is any change
   -X=<pathPat>,...    ; Exclude patterns  -X=*.lib,*.obj,*.exe
                       ;  No space in patterns. Pattern applied against fullpath
                       ;  So *\ma will exclude a directory ma or file ma
   -Z<op><value>       ; siZe op=(Greater|Less|Equal) value=num<units G|M|K>, ex -Zg100M
   -C=<colorOpt>       ; Set colors, colors are red,green,blue,intensity, add bg to end of color for background
    -C=r<colors>       ;   readonly  ex -C=r+red+blue or -C=r+bluebg
    -C=d<colors>       ;   directory
    -C=h<colors>       ;   hidden file or directory
   -,                  ; Disable commas in size and numeric output
   -=<sep>             ; Set output field separator string
   -#                  ; Change date format
   -?                  ; Show this help
   -??                 ; Show extended help

 Long form             Single Char
 Left-To-Right         Last match wins
----------------       ----------------
 READONLY      R        NORMAL
 HIDDEN        H        NOT_INDEXED   I
 SYSTEM        S        ARCHIVE
 DIRECTORY     D        READONLY      r
 ARCHIVE       A        HIDDEN        h
 DEVICE        d        SYSTEM        s
 NORMAL        N        DIRECTORY     \
 TEMPORARY     T        DEVICE        d
 OFFLINE       O        COMPRESSED    %
 NOT_INDEXED   I        OFFLINE       O
 VIRTUAL       V        VIRTUAL       V

 Set defaults by assigning them to the LLDIR environment variable
 Use pipe to divide options instead of minus and end with pipe.
 Ex:  (you must quote string since pipe is a shell character)
     ; Set hidden file color to pink
     set "lldir=Ch+red+blue|"
     ; Don't show size
     set "lldir=s|"

For example, if you want to locate all of the cpp files in all directories which start with the letter d:

C:\dlang\soft\dlang_website\console>ld \dlang\soft\d*\*.cpp

 Modification                    Size A File
 07/19/2009 8:30 AM             2,163   about.cpp
 07/19/2009 8:30 AM             4,309   CustomHintWin.cpp
 07/19/2009 8:30 AM             1,192   DClean.cpp
 07/19/2009 8:30 AM             7,438   DiskScan.cpp
 07/19/2009 8:30 AM            30,697   Main.cpp
 07/19/2009 8:30 AM             5,234   options.cpp
 07/19/2009 8:38 AM             5,280   RegEnum.cpp
 07/19/2009 8:30 AM             3,002   result.cpp
 07/19/2009 8:30 AM             1,240   SaveRestore.cpp
 07/19/2009 8:30 AM             3,027   structs.cpp
 07/19/2009 8:30 AM            13,641   TextPlugInfo.cpp
 07/19/2009 8:30 AM               525   wait.cpp

 Modification                    Size A File
 01/24/2009 1:26 PM             2,163   about.cpp
 01/24/2009 1:26 PM             4,309   CustomHintWin.cpp
 01/24/2009 1:26 PM             1,192   DClean.cpp
 01/24/2009 1:26 PM             7,438   DiskScan.cpp
 01/24/2009 1:26 PM            30,697   Main.cpp
 01/24/2009 1:26 PM             5,234   options.cpp
 01/24/2009 1:26 PM             5,254   RegEnum.cpp
 01/24/2009 1:26 PM             3,002   result.cpp
 01/24/2009 1:26 PM             1,240   SaveRestore.cpp
 01/24/2009 1:26 PM             3,027   structs.cpp
 01/24/2009 1:26 PM            13,641   TextPlugInfo.cpp
 01/24/2009 1:26 PM               525   wait.cpp

 Modification                    Size A File
 02/22/2009 3:09 PM            25,620   ring_spin_test.cpp
 06/15/2007 8:40 PM               301   stdafx.cpp

;Directories:0, Files:26, TotalSize:181,391
Sorting multiple directories sorts the entire set as one. Sorting is selected with -S= followed by a sort criteria. Notice I disabled the 'headings' with -h. Sorting Criteria:
C:\dlang\soft\dlang_website\console>ld -hS=s \dlang\soft\d*\*.cpp

 06/15/2007 8:40 PM               301   stdafx.cpp
 01/24/2009 1:26 PM               525   wait.cpp
 07/19/2009 8:30 AM               525   wait.cpp
 07/19/2009 8:30 AM             1,192   DClean.cpp
 01/24/2009 1:26 PM             1,192   DClean.cpp
 07/19/2009 8:30 AM             1,240   SaveRestore.cpp
 01/24/2009 1:26 PM             1,240   SaveRestore.cpp
 07/19/2009 8:30 AM             2,163   about.cpp
 01/24/2009 1:26 PM             2,163   about.cpp
 07/19/2009 8:30 AM             3,002   result.cpp
 01/24/2009 1:26 PM             3,002   result.cpp
 07/19/2009 8:30 AM             3,027   structs.cpp
 01/24/2009 1:26 PM             3,027   structs.cpp
 07/19/2009 8:30 AM             4,309   CustomHintWin.cpp
 01/24/2009 1:26 PM             4,309   CustomHintWin.cpp
 07/19/2009 8:30 AM             5,234   options.cpp
 01/24/2009 1:26 PM             5,234   options.cpp
 01/24/2009 1:26 PM             5,254   RegEnum.cpp
 07/19/2009 8:38 AM             5,280   RegEnum.cpp
 07/19/2009 8:30 AM             7,438   DiskScan.cpp
 01/24/2009 1:26 PM             7,438   DiskScan.cpp
 07/19/2009 8:30 AM            13,641   TextPlugInfo.cpp
 01/24/2009 1:26 PM            13,641   TextPlugInfo.cpp
 02/22/2009 3:09 PM            25,620   ring_spin_test.cpp
 07/19/2009 8:30 AM            30,697   Main.cpp
 01/24/2009 1:26 PM            30,697   Main.cpp

;Directories:0, Files:26, TotalSize:181,391
To make the above more useful, you can request full filename path with the -p option.
C:\dlang\soft\dlang_website\console>ld -hpS=s \dlang\soft\d*\*.cpp

 06/15/2007 8:40 PM               301   \dlang\soft\ddj_thread_queue\stdafx.cpp
 01/24/2009 1:26 PM               525   \dlang\soft\dclean_157\wait.cpp
 07/19/2009 8:30 AM               525   \dlang\soft\dclean\wait.cpp
 07/19/2009 8:30 AM             1,192   \dlang\soft\dclean\DClean.cpp
 01/24/2009 1:26 PM             1,192   \dlang\soft\dclean_157\DClean.cpp
 07/19/2009 8:30 AM             1,240   \dlang\soft\dclean\SaveRestore.cpp
 01/24/2009 1:26 PM             1,240   \dlang\soft\dclean_157\SaveRestore.cpp
 07/19/2009 8:30 AM             2,163   \dlang\soft\dclean\about.cpp
 01/24/2009 1:26 PM             2,163   \dlang\soft\dclean_157\about.cpp
 07/19/2009 8:30 AM             3,002   \dlang\soft\dclean\result.cpp
 01/24/2009 1:26 PM             3,002   \dlang\soft\dclean_157\result.cpp
 07/19/2009 8:30 AM             3,027   \dlang\soft\dclean\structs.cpp
 01/24/2009 1:26 PM             3,027   \dlang\soft\dclean_157\structs.cpp
 07/19/2009 8:30 AM             4,309   \dlang\soft\dclean\CustomHintWin.cpp
 01/24/2009 1:26 PM             4,309   \dlang\soft\dclean_157\CustomHintWin.cpp
 07/19/2009 8:30 AM             5,234   \dlang\soft\dclean\options.cpp
 01/24/2009 1:26 PM             5,234   \dlang\soft\dclean_157\options.cpp
 01/24/2009 1:26 PM             5,254   \dlang\soft\dclean_157\RegEnum.cpp
 07/19/2009 8:38 AM             5,280   \dlang\soft\dclean\RegEnum.cpp
 07/19/2009 8:30 AM             7,438   \dlang\soft\dclean\DiskScan.cpp
 01/24/2009 1:26 PM             7,438   \dlang\soft\dclean_157\DiskScan.cpp
 07/19/2009 8:30 AM            13,641   \dlang\soft\dclean\TextPlugInfo.cpp
 01/24/2009 1:26 PM            13,641   \dlang\soft\dclean_157\TextPlugInfo.cpp
 02/22/2009 3:09 PM            25,620   \dlang\soft\ddj_thread_queue\ring_spin_test.cpp
 07/19/2009 8:30 AM            30,697   \dlang\soft\dclean\Main.cpp
 01/24/2009 1:26 PM            30,697   \dlang\soft\dclean_157\Main.cpp

;Directories:0, Files:26, TotalSize:181,391

Example of Color and Softlink (redirection)

Notice the single character preceeding the filename. The characters signify special attributes.
Single Char Last Match wins
Normal   Not Indexed I Archive   Readonly r
Hidden h System s Directory \ Device d
Temporary t Sparse file S Reparse point > Compressed %
Offline O Encrypted E Virtual V    

Example of Creation, Access and Modification Dates

Example showing hardlink count and id

Example of Wide Listing

Most switches toggle their state. Hide the file size by using -s. Use -h to disable heading and -tn to set the Time to None. Notice that the switches can be concatenated together to form -shtn. As of version 14, most switches which have arguments require an equal sign to prevent incorrect parsing of long strings of commands.
Example -S=s -F=*.exe,*.bat -X=a*.

The following three images show three ways to display file attributes/types.

1. Attributes shown as single character

2. Attributes shown as full array of characters

3. Significant Attributes shown as Word

Copy / llcopy / lc / c

llcopy is similar to the DOS copy and xcopy commands but adds the ability to customize the destination path.

Help Banner:

 Copy v14.0s

    [<switches>] <fromPattern>...  <toPattern>

  Destination controls:
   -cw or -cr          ; Change destination permission to writeable or readonly
   -f                  ; Force copy even if destination is set to read only
   -n                  ; No copy, just echo command
   -o                  ; Only copy if destination is older than source (modify time)
   -O                  ; Okay to over write existing destination regardless of time
   -p                  ; Prompt before copy
   -pp                 ; Prevent prompt on Override or readonly, just skip file
   -P=<srcPathPat>     ; Optional regular expression pattern on source files
   -z                  ; Un/Compress (compressed file ends in .lzo)
  Source selection:
   -A=[nrhs]           ; Limit files by attribute (n=normal r=readonly, h=hidden, s=system)
   -D                  ; Copy directory tree if destination does not exist
   -r                  ; Recurse starting at from directory, matching file pattern
   -I=<file>           ; Read list of files from <file> or - for stdin
   -F=<filePat>,...    ; Limit to matching file patterns
   -X=<pathPat>,...    ; Exclude patterns  -X=*.lib,*.obj,*.exe
                       ;  No space in patterns. Pattern applied against fullpath
                       ;  So *\ma will exclude a directory ma or file ma
   -Z<op><value>       ; siZe op=(Greater|Less|Equal) value=num<units G|M|K>, ex -Zg100M
  Misc options:
   -B=c                ; Add additional field separators to use with #n selection
   -q                  ; Quiet, don't echo command (echo on by default)
   -1=<output>         ; Redirect output to file

  Where fromPattern is:
    [<directory|pattern> \]... <file|Pattern|#n>

      * = zero or more characters
      ? = any character

  Destination Pattern:
     *n = Replace destination with source filename wildcard 'n', 1 is first
          Ex:  lc *\file-*-.*   file.*1

     #n = replace destination with source directory 'n'
          where n is subdirectories n=1 first from left
          -n counts from right

     #l = where 'l' is a letter:
         b = base name
         e = extension
         n = base.ext
         l, u, c = lower, upper, captialize name for later use

      lc *      e:\tmp\
      lc *.obj  e:\tmp\
      lc -R c:\tmp\*.obj d:\tmp\*.obj  e:\tmp\
      lc c:\t*\src\*  e:\tmp\

     ; Use # to select subdirectories or parts of source path name. Also to convert case.
     ; When any # appear in line, use #n, #b, #e to specify target filename
      lc c:\foo\bar\*\*.DAT  d:\far\#-1\#l#n
      lc c:\foo\bar\*.dat   d:\far\#b.tmp   ; change extension .dat to .tmp

     ; Remove underscores from files
      lc -B_ c:\*_*_*.dat   d:\*1*2*3.dat

     ; Copy full recursive directory
      lc -r srcDir  backup\*   ; Note * is important in destination to force dir creation
     ; Copy just dat files
      lc -r srcDir\*.dat  backup\*
     ; Copy and compress files
      lc -rz \*.dat  compressed\*
     ; Uncompress files
      lc -rz compressed\*.lzo  srcDir\*

Move / llmove / lm

Help Banner:

 Move v14.0s

    [<switches>] <fromPattern>...  <toPattern>

  Where switches are:
   -A=[nrhs]           ; Limit files by attribute (n=normal r=readonly, h=hidden, s=system)
   -cw or -cr          ; Change destination permission to writeable or readonly
   -f                  ; Force move even if destination is set to read only
   -I=<file>           ; Read list of files from <file> or - for stdin
   -n                  ; No move, just echo command
   -o                  ; Only move if destination is older than source (modify time)
   -O                  ; Okay to over write existing destination regardless of time
   -r                  ; Recurse starting at from directory, matching file pattern
   -p                  ; Prompt before move
   -pp                 ; Prevent prompt on Override or readonly, just skip file
   -P=<srcPathPat>     ; Optional regular expression pattern on source files full path
   -q                  ; Quiet, don't echo command (echo on by default)
   -B=c                ; Add additional field separators to use with #n selectoin
   -D                  ; Only move directories
   -F                  ; Only move files
   -F=<filePat>,...    ; Limit to matching file patterns
   -L                  ; Create hard link instead of copy
   -X=<pathPat>,...    ; Exclude patterns  -X=*.lib,*.obj,*.exe
                       ;  No space in patterns. Pattern applied against fullpath
                       ;  So *\ma will exclude a directory ma or file ma
   -Z<op><value>       ; siZe op=(Greater|Less|Equal) value=num<units G|M|K>, ex -Zg100M
   -?                  ; Show this help

  Where fromPattern is:
    [<directory|pattern> \]... <file|Pattern|#n>

      * = zero or more characters
      ? = any character

  Destination Pattern:
     *n = Replace destination with source filename wildcard 'n', 1 is first
          Ex:  lm *\file-*-.*   file.*1

     #n = Replace destination with source directory 'n'
          where n is subdirectories n=1 first from left
          or -n counts from right

     #<arg> = where <arg> is a letter
         f = fullpath
         d = directory
         b = base name
         e = extension
         n = base.ext
         l, u, c = lower, upper, captialize name for later use

      *      e:\tmp\
      *.obj  e:\tmp\
      -R c:\tmp\*.obj d:\tmp\*.obj  e:\tmp\
      c:\t*\src\*  e:\tmp\

     ; use # to select subdirectories and force name (#n) to lowercase (#l)
     ; when any # appear in line, use #n, #b, #e to specify target filename
      c:\foo\bar\*\*.DAT  d:\far\#-1\#l#n
      c:\foo\bar\*.dat   d:\far\#b.tmp   ; change extension .dat to .tmp

     ; remove underscores from files
      c:\*_*_*.dat   d:\*1*2*3.dat
     ; Read files from stdin
     ld -N | grep Foo | lm -i=- .\backup\#n

Delete / lldel / lr / r

Help Banner:

 Delete v14.0s

    [<switches>] <Pattern>...

  Where switches are:
   -A=[nrhs]           ; Limit files by attribute (n=normal r=readonly, h=hidden, s=system)
   -D                  ; Del directories only
   -F                  ; Del files only
   -F=<filePat>,...    ; Limit to matching file patterns
   -f                  ; Force delete even if destination is set to read only
   -I=<infile>         ; Read filenames from infile or stdin if -
   -j                  ; Follow junctions (default: skip junctions)
   -n                  ; No delete, just echo command
   -p                  ; Prompt before delete
   -q                  ; Quiet, don't echo command (echo on by default)
   -r                  ; Recurse starting at from directory, matching file pattern
   -s                  ; show file size size
   -t[acm]             ; show Time a=access, c=creation, m=modified, n=none
   -u                  ; Enable undo, delete files and directories by moving to recycle bin
   -P=<srcPathPat>     ; Optional regular expression pattern on source files full path
   -Q=n                ; Quit after 'n' retries if error
   -T[acm]<op><value>  ; Test Time a=access, c=creation, m=modified
                       ; op=(Greater|Less|Equal)  Value= now|+/-hours|yyyy:mm:dd:hh:mm:ss
                       ; Value time parts significant from right to left, so mm:ss or hh:mm:ss, etc
                       ; Example   -TmcEnow    Show if modify or create time Equal to now
                       ; Example   -TmG-4.5   Show if modify time Greater than 4.5 hours ago
                       ; Example   -TaL04:00:00   Show if access time Less than 4am today
   -X=<pathPat>,...    ; Exclude patterns  -X=*.lib,*.obj,*.exe
                       ;  No space in patterns. Pattern applied against fullpath
                       ;  So *\ma will exclude a directory ma or file ma
   -Z<op><value>       ; siZe op=(Greater|Less|Equal) value=num<units G|M|K>, ex -Zg100M
   -1=<output>         ; Redirect output to file
   -?                  ; Show this help

  Where fromPattern is:
    [<directory|pattern> \]... <file|Pattern|#n>

  Note - remember to end directory with \ as in
       -rfq .\foo-*\   ; Recursively, forcefully quietly remove all files
                       ; and directories which start in a directory that
                       ; starts with foo-
       -rfq .\foo-*    ; Similar but search ALL directories at current level
                       ; for files or directories which start with foo-

      * = zero or more characters
      ? = any character

Find or Where / llfind / where / lf

Help Banner:

Find v14.0s
Find a file along directory path or env paths

   [<switches>] <Pattern>...

 Where switches are:
  -?                  ; Show this help
  -A=[nrhs]           ; Limit files by attribute (n=normal r=readonly, h=hidden, s=system)
  -D                  ; Only directories in matching, default is all types
  -p                  ; Search PATH environment directories for pattern
  -e=<envName>[,...]  ; Search env environment directories for pattern
  -F                  ; Only files in matching, default is all types
  -F=<filePat>,...    ; Limit to matching file patterns
  -I=<file>           ; Read list of files from this file
  -p                  ; Short cut for -e=PATH, search path
  -P=<srcPathPat>     ; Optional regular expression pattern on source files full path
  -q                  ; Quiet, default is echo command
  -Q=n                ; Quit after 'n' matches
  -s                  ; Show file size size
  -t[acm]             ; Show Time a=access, c=creation, m=modified, n=none
  -X=<pathPat>,...    ; Exclude patterns  -X=*.lib,*.obj,*.exe
                      ;  No space in patterns. Pattern applied against fullpath
                      ;  So *\ma will exclude a directory ma or file ma
  -V                  ; Verbose
  -E=[cFDdsa]         ; Return exit code, c=file+dir count, F=file count, D=dir Count
                      ;    d=depth, s=size, a=age
  -r                  ; Don't recurse into subdirectories
  -1=<file>           ; Redirect output to file

 Where Pattern is:
   [<directory|pattern> \]... <file|Pattern|#n>

     * = zero or more characters
     ? = any character

   ; Assuming lf.exe and where.exe are linked to llfile.exe
   ; Example to find where an executable is in current search PATH
   llfile -xw  cmd.exe              ; -xw force where command
   lf -p cmd.exe                    ; -p enables PATH search
   where cmd.exe                    ; where command auto adds '-e'
   lf -Ar -i=c:\fileList.txt >nul   ; check for non-readonly files from list

   lf -e=LIB libfoo.lib             ; search env LIB's path for libfoo.lib
   lf -F=*.exe,*.com,*.bat .\*      ; search for executables or batch files
   lf -F -X=*.obj,*.exe  build\*    ; search for none object or exe files

Print format / printf / p

Help Banner:

 Printf v14.0s
 Print format


  Where switches are:
   -I=<inFile>         ; Read input from file or stdin if -
                       ;  NOTE: -I must be after the -a options
                       ; Example to convert to uppercase
                       ;  echo foo | p -a=pn -I=- -p=%s,%s
   -i=<text>           ; Parse text per separator and send to formatter
                       ;  NOTE: -a must be before -i to control case
                       ;  ex:  -a=nuncn  -i=Hello -p=%s,%s,%s
   -Bc                 ; Field separator (see -e example below)
   -C=<colorOpt>       ; Set colors, colors are red,green,blue,intensity, add bg to end of color for background
                       ;  ex -C=red+blue or -C=green,redbg+bluebg
   -D                  ; Only directories
   -F[=<filePat>]      ; Only files
   -a=[pdn...]         ; File arguments passed to printf
                       ;   p=full path
                       ;   d=directory
                       ;   n=name
                       ;   r=name root (no extension)
                       ;   e=extension (right of last .)
                       ;   s=size (as a string)
                       ;   _=defcase
                       ;   l=lowercase
                       ;   u=uppercase
                       ;   c=captialize
                       ;  NOTE:  -a must proceed -i or -I
   -p=<fmt>            ; Printf format, use any valid %s format, %20s
                       ;  input is either from redirection -i-
                       ;  or input is from a file  -i<filename>
                       ;  or input is from file directory scan (trailing arguments)
                       ; Use quotes to include spaces in format
                       ;  or a string string as in "-pHello World\n"
   -P=<srcPathPat>     ; Regular expression pattern on source files path or env items
   -s=<fmt>            ; Scan input with regex
   -l=<timeFmt>        ; strftime format using local time
   -z=<timeFmt>        ; strftime format using zTime
   -q                  ; Quiet, default is echo command
   -Q=n                ; Quit after 'n' matches
   -X=<pattern>        ; Exclude patterns  -X *.lib,*.obj,*.exe
   -1                  ; Don't recurse into subdirectories

    Remember to escape % if used in a batch file with two %%
    ; Use -a to place two copies of filename as argument to printf
      p -a=nn "-p=p4 move support\\%s radar\\%s\n"  radar\*
    ; Generate string to copy file to .bak extension, save in batch file
      p -a=nr "-p=copy %s %s.bak"  *.tax > job.bat

    ; set -p to define printf before -i which specifies the input followed by scan using regex
      dir | p "-p=%.0syear=%s mon=%s day=%s\n" -I=- "-s=([0-9]*)/([0-9]*)/([0-9]*).*"
    ; set -p after -I to print contents of input
      dir | p -I=-  -p=Files=%s\n\n
      p -I=foo.txt "-p=Stuff %s %s Stuff\n"

    ; List environment variable path, split on semicolon
      -e=PATH   "-p=%s\n"
      -e=PATH   "-p=%4# %s\n"        ; Number env path directories
      -P=Program -e=* -p%s\n           ; Show env's which contain word Program
      -e=PATH   "-p=%s" *.txt         ; Scan paths for *.txt
      "-l=Date is %m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S"                    ; local time
      "-l=Date is %m/%d/%y" "-p=\n" "-l=%H:%M:%S"   ; local time

        %a Abbreviated weekday name
        %A Full weekday name
        %b Abbreviated month name
        %B Full month name
        %c Date and time representation appropriate for locale
        %d Day of month as decimal number (01 û 31)
        %H Hour in 24-hour format (00 û 23)
        %I Hour in 12-hour format (01 û 12)
        %j Day of year as decimal number (001 û 366)
        %m Month as decimal number (01 û 12)
        %M Minute as decimal number (00 û 59)
        %p Current locale's A.M./P.M. indicator for 12-hour clock
        %S Second as decimal number (00 û 59)
        %U Week of year as decimal number, with Sunday as first day of week (00 û 53)
        %w Weekday as decimal number (0 û 6; Sunday is 0)
        %W Week of year as decimal number, with Monday as first day of week (00 û 53)
        %x Date representation for current locale
        %X Time representation for current locale
        %y Year without century, as decimal number (00 û 99)
        %Y Year with century, as decimal number
        %z, %Z Either the time-zone name or time zone abbreviation
        %%  Percent sign

Binary Compare / llcmp / cmp / C

Help Banner:

 Compare Two Files v14.0s

 Do binary comparison of files.  When processing a list of files only those
 with matching base name are compared against each other.

    <filePattern> <filePattern>

      * = zero or more characters
      ? = any character

    LLCmp  d1\*               ; Compare similar files in one directory
    LLCmp  d1\* d2\* d3\*   ; Compare similar files in three directories
    LLCmp d1\*.cpp d2\*.cpp    ; Compare similar files ending in .cpp
    LLCmp -r d1 d2           ; Compare all similar files in two directory trees
    LLCmp c:\t*\src\*.cpp master.cpp ; Compare files to a single file
                                      ; and having subdirectory src
    LLCmp -o20 -v new.data old.data    ;Use offset to skip over date changes

  Output controls:
   -a                  ; Show ALL match result (default is only differences)
   -e                  ; Show only equal files
   -s                  ; Show skipped files  (default is only differences)
   -s=l or -s=r        ; Show skipped Left or Right files
   -v                  ; Verbose, show detail on first difference per file
   -V=<count>          ; Verbose, show differences, stop after 'count' per file
   -w=<width>          ; Compare filesize numeric width, default 12
   -P                  ; Hide compress progress
   -q                  ; quiet, dont show detail, just set exit status 0=match, 1=differ
   -qq                 ; Hide details and only show summary when used with -F
   -Q=n                ; Quit after 'n' lines output
   -1=<output>         ; Redirect output to file
   -,                  ; Disable commas in size and numeric output

  File selection:
   -A=[nrhs]           ; Limit files by attribute (n=normal r=readonly, h=hidden, s=system)
   -D                  ; Force subdirectories and name to match before comparing
   -F                  ; Match just the filename, size and date and not its contents
   -I=<infile>         ; Read filenames from infile or stdin if -
   -r                  ; Recurse directories
   -l=<levels>         ; Directory levels to include in path matching, default is 1
   -o=<offset>         ; Start binary file compare at file offset, default is 0
   -X=<pathPat>,...    ; Exclude patterns  -X=*.lib,*.obj,*.exe
                       ;  No space in patterns. Pattern applied against fullpath
                       ;  So *\ma will exclude a directory ma or file ma
   -Z=<op><value>      ; siZe op=(Greater|Less|Equal) value=num<units G|M|K>, ex -Zg100M

  Special actions:
   -d=e | -d=n         ; Delete matching (-d=e) or not matching files (-d=n)
   -n                  ; Don't execute delete, just show command delete command
  Exit value (%ERRORLEVEL%):
   -E=e                ; return #equal
   -E=d                ; return #diff
   -E=dlr              ; return diff + left + right

Cmp v16.1 help banner:

Execute / llexec / le / e

Help Banner:

 Execute v14.0s

    [<switches>] -c "command" <Pattern>...

  Where switches are:
   -?                  ; Show this help
   -A=[nrhs]           ; Limit files by attribute (n=normal r=readonly, h=hidden, s=system)
   -B=c                ; Add additional field separators to use with #n selectoin
   -D                  ; Only process directories
   -F                  ; Only process files
   -F=<filePat>,...    ; Limit to matching file patterns
   -f                  ; Force to execute on read-only files
   -g <grepPattern>    ; Execute only if file contains grepPattern
   -G <grepRange>      ; default is entire file, +n=first n lines, -n=last n lines
   -I=<file>           ; Read list of files from <file> or - for stdin
   -n                  ; No execution
   -p                  ; prompt before executing command
   -P=<srcPathPat>     ; Optional regular expression pattern on source files full path
   -q                  ; Quiet, default is echo command
   -Q                  ; Quote argument before executing
   -r                  ; Recurse into subdirectories
   -X=<pathPat>,...    ; Exclude patterns  -X=*.lib,*.obj,*.exe
                       ;  No space in patterns. Pattern applied against fullpath
                       ;  So *\ma will exclude a directory ma or file ma
   -V                  ; verbose mode
   -Z<op><value>       ; siZe op=(Greater|Less|Equal) value=num<units G|M|K>, ex -Zg100M

 Last argument:
   -C=<count>          ; Number of files to append to command, default is 1
   -c=<command>        ; Execute command, default with file name append to command
                       ; Use #<arg> to select parts of filename
   WARNING: Remember to quote command if it has spaces.
            Also \" at the end of quoted command will not work, added another slash.
              llexec -c "command arg1 \arg2 \arg3\\"  *.dat
            Example to copy files and prefix destination name with save-
              llexec -F "-c=xcopy #q#f#q #qsave-#n#q"
            Example to prompt to set readonly attributes using attrib command
              llexec -p "-c=attrib +r "
            Example to change directory and execute command
              llecec -D "-c=cmd /c cd #d && p4 edit *" .\*\

         #<arg> = where <arg> is a letter
         d = directory
         f = fullname include directories
         b = base name
         e = extension
         n = base.ext
         l, u, c = lower, upper, captialize name for later use
         q adds a quote

  Where Pattern is:
    [<directory|pattern> \]... <file|Pattern|#n>

      * = zero or more characters
      ? = any character

le v16.1 help banner:

Find and Replace / llgrep / lg

Help Banner:

 Replace v15.3s
 Replace a file[s] data

    [<switches>] <Pattern>...

  Where switches are:
   -?                  ; Show this help
   -A=[nrhs]           ; Limit files by attribute (n=normal r=readonly, h=hidden, s=system)
   -D                  ; Only directories in matching, default is all types
   -p                  ; Search PATH environment directories for pattern
   -e=<envName>[,...]  ; Search env environment directories for pattern
   -F                  ; Only files in matching, default is all types
   -F=<filePat>,...    ; Limit to matching file patterns
   -G=<grepPattern>    ; Find only if file contains grepPattern
   -g=<grepOptions>    ; Use with -G
                       ; Default is search entire file
                       ;     Ln=first n lines
                       ;     Mn=first n matches
                       ;     H(f|l|m|t) Hide filename|Line#|MatchCnt|Text
                       ;     I=ignore case
                       ;     Bn=show before n lines
                       ;     An=show after n lines
                       ;     F(l|f) force byLine or byFile
                       ;     U(i|b) update inline or backup
   -I=<file>           ; Read list of files from this file
   -p                  ; Short cut for -e=PATH, search path
   -P=<srcPathPat>     ; Optional regular expression pattern on source files full path
   -q                  ; Quiet, default is echo command
   -Q=n                ; Quit after 'n' file matches
   -r                  ; Recurse into subdirectories
   -R=<replacePattern> ; Use with -G to find and replace
   -s                  ; Show file size size
   -t[acm]             ; Show Time a=access, c=creation, m=modified, n=none
   -X=<pathPat>,...    ; Exclude patterns  -X=*.lib,*.obj,*.exe
                       ;  No space in patterns. Pattern applied against fullpath
                       ;  So *\ma will exclude a directory ma or file ma
   -V                  ; Verbose
   -E=[cFDdsamL]        ; Return exit code, c=file+dir count, F=file count, D=dir Count
                       ;    d=depth, s=size, a=age, m=#matches, L=list of matching files
   -1=<file>           ; Redirect output to file

  Where Pattern is:
    [<directory|pattern> \]... <file|Pattern|#n>

      * = zero or more characters
      ? = any character

    llfile -xG -G=(H|h)ello\r\n *.txt       ; -xG force grep command
    lg "-G=String" -g=I -r -F=*.cpp src      ; Ignore case  String in cpp files
    lg -Ar -i=c:\fileList.txt >nul          ; check for non-readonly files from list
    lg -F=*.txt,*.log '-G=[0-9]+' .\*       ; search files for numbers
    lg -X=*.obj,*.exe -G=foo build\*        ; search none object or exe files
    lg "-G= foo " *.txt | lg -G=bar         ; Same as following
    lg "-G= foo " -G=bar *.txt              ;  two -G, either can match per line

     ; Use -E=L to match multiple words in same file but not same line
    lg -G=foo -r -F=*.txt -E=L | lg -I=- -G=bar

    lg "-G='([^']+)',.*" "-R='$1');" foo.txt ; Grep and Replace

lg v16.1 help banner:

To Top

Test Batch File

The following is the provided test batch file which runs most of the commands.

@rem  Test llfile

@echo off
@if EXIST testDir rmdir /s /q testDir

@mkdir testDir

copy Release\llfile.exe testDir\
@pushd testDir

@rem Install
llfile -xi >nul

if not ERRORLEVEL 26 (
   echo "Install failed, exitcode %ERRORLEVEL%"
   goto END

@echo on
@prompt $g$s

@set heading="\n=========================(%%s)=========================\n\n"

@p "-i=Show various colored text" "-p=%heading%"
p -C=red,whiteBg   "-p= red " -C=green,whiteBg "-p=green " -C=blue,whiteBg  "-p=blue on white\n"
p -C=red,blackBg   "-p= red " -C=green,blackBg "-p=green " -C=blue,blackBg  "-p=blue on black\n"
p -C=green+red,redBg "-p= yellow on red\n"
p -C=black,whiteBg "-p= black on white\n"
@p -p=\n\n

@p "-i=Show time/date text" "-p=%heading%"
p -C=black,whiteBg "-l=DOS Date and Time %%a %%x %%X " "-z=Gmt= %%x %%X"
(date/t & time/t)  | p -C=black,whiteBg -I=- "-p=DOS Date and Time %%s %%s\n"
@p -p=\n\n

@p "-i=Show Path environment variable" "-p=%heading%"
p -e=PATH "-p=\t%%s\n"
@p "-p=\n\nNumbered and limited to those with Program in their name\n"
p -e=PATH -P=Program "-p=\t%%4# %%s\n"
@p -p=\n\n

@p "-i=Search Path environment variable for p*.exe" "-p=%heading%"
p -e=PATH "-p=%%4# %%s\n" p*.exe
@p -p=\n\n

@p "-i=Compare Directory listing" "-p=%heading%"
mkdir txt
ld -Sn > txt\ld1.txt
dir /On > txt\dir1.txt

fc /w txt\ld1.txt txt\dir1.txt
@p "-p=\n--(%ERRORLEVEL%)-- Default Directory Comparison results (mostly equal) "

@p "-i=Compare Sorted Directory listing" "-p=%heading%"
ld -n -Sn -1=txt\ld2.txt  
dir /On /b > txt\dir2.txt

fc /w txt\ld2.txt txt\dir2.txt
@p "-p=\n--(%ERRORLEVEL%)-- Directory Name comparison results (100% equal) "

@p "-i=Compare Sorted Directory listing" "-p=%heading%"
ld -ct lm.exe
ld -S-m -tm  > txt\ld3.log
dir /tw /o-d /O-n  > txt\dir3.log
fc /w txt\ld3.log txt\dir3.log
@p "-p=\n-- Directory Name comparison results (mostly equal) "

@p "-i=Sorted Directory various ways" "-p=%heading%"
@p "-p=---Sort by Extension:\n"
ld -Se txt
@p "-p=\n\n---Sort by reverse Extension:\n"
ld -S-e txt

@p "-p=\n\n---Sort by Name:\n"
ld -Sn txt
@p "-p=\n\n---Sort by reverseName:\n"
ld -S-n txt

@p "-p=\n\n---Sort by Size:\n"
ld -Ss txt
@p "-p=\n\n---Sort by reverse Size:\n"
ld -S-s txt

@p "-p=\n\n---Sort by Creation Time:\n"
ld -Sc -tc txt
@p "-p=\n\n---Sort by Modification Time:\n"
ld -Sm -tm txt

@p "-i=File Copy and Compare" "-p=%heading%"
lc -q * dst1\*
lc -q * dst1\sub1\*

xcopy * dst2\* >nul
xcopy * dst2\sub1\* >nul

cmp dst1\sub1\* dst2\sub1\*
@p   "-p=\n--(%ERRORLEVEL%)-- Copy and Compare results (100% equal) "

@p "-i=File Copy l* and Compare" "-p=%heading%"
lc l* dst1\sub2\*1
@p "-p=\n\n---(%ERRORLEVEL%) copy l*"
cmp -aF dst1\sub2\* dst1\sub1\*
@p "-p=\n--(%ERRORLEVEL%)-- Copy subset and Compare results "
@p "-i=Directory usage report" "-p=%heading%"
ld -u dst1\sub1 dst2\sub1
@p -p=\n\n

@p "-i=Set file times" "-p=%heading%"
@mkdir timeMod

@echo > timeMod\now
@echo > timeMod\yesterday
@echo > timeMod\prevHour
@echo > timeMod\nextHour
@echo > timeMod\tomorrow
ld -ct=now timeMod\now
ld -ct=-1d timeMod\yesterday
ld -ct=-1h timeMod\prevhour
ld -ct=+1h timeMod\nexthour
ld -ct=+1d timeMod\tomorrow

ld -tm timeMod\*
@p -p=\n\n

@p "-i=Test file times" "-p=%heading%"
@p "-p=\n----Show Modified time of now (may miss if minute just rolled over) ----\n"
ld -tm -T=mEnow timeMod\*
@p "-p=\n----Show Greater than now, two files nexthour and tomorrow and maybe now----\n"
ld -tm -T=mGnow timeMod\*
@p "-p=\n----Show Less than now, two files prevHour, yesterday ----\n"
ld -tm -T=mLnow timeMod\*
@p "-p=\n----Show Less than -30 minutes, two files prevHour, yesterday ----\n"
ld -tm -T=mL-30m timeMod\*
@p "-p=\n----Show Less than -2 hours, one file  yesterday ----\n"
ld -tm -T=mL-2h timeMod\*
@p "-p=\n----Show Greater than -2 hours, four files  prevHour, nextHour, now, tomorrow ----\n"
ld -tm -T=mG-2h timeMod\*
@p "-p=\n----Show Greater than Jan 1st, 2013, five files ---\n"
ld -tm -T=mG2013:01:01:00:00:00 timeMod\*
@p "-p=\n----Show Less than Dec 31st, 2013, five files ---\n"
ld -tm -T=mL2013:12:31:12:30:59 timeMod\*
@p -p=\n\n

lf -F=now,prevHour,nextHour -tm -s
@p   "-p=\n--(%ERRORLEVEL%)-- Find files, default return dir+file count:3 "
lf -E=s -F=now,prevHour,nextHour -s
@p   "-p=\n--(%ERRORLEVEL%)-- Find files, return total found file sizes:39  "
lf -E=f -F=now,prevHour,nextHour -tm
@p   "-p=\n--(%ERRORLEVEL%)-- Find files, return total #files:3  "
@w ld.exe

@p "-i=Execute attrib command" "-p=%heading%"
ld -n p* | lf -I=- | le -I=- -c="attrib +R "
ld -n p* | lf -I=- | ld -I=-
@p -p=\n\n

@p "-i=Move  command" "-p=%heading%"
lm dst1\* new1\*
@p -p=\n\n

@p "-i=Move  command" "-p=%heading%"
lm -r dst2\* new1\*
@p -p=\n\n

@p "-i=Move  command" "-p=%heading%"
lm -rO dst2\* new1\* 
@p -p=\n\n

goto END

@p "-i=Delete Duplicate files" "-p=%heading%"
cmp -d=e dst1\* dst2\*
@p   "-p=\n--(%ERRORLEVEL%)-- compare and delete equal "

@p "-i=Delete Dir (fail on subdirs)" "-p=%heading%"
lr dst1\
@p   "-p=\n--(%ERRORLEVEL%)-- Delete files, fail on subdirectories "

@p "-i=Delete Dir and subdirs" "-p=%heading%"
lr -r dst1\
@p   "-p=\n--(%ERRORLEVEL%)-- Delete files and subdirectories "

@prompt $p$g